"But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins . . . ." Mark 2:10
Jesus was healing a man of palsy. His friends had broken open a roof to let the man down for the healing. Jesus said to the man that his sins were forgiven.
Some of the Scribes were on the scene and questioned why Jesus said this. They thought that only God could forgive sin. They accused him of blasphemy.
Jesus assured them that on earth he, the Son of Man, had the power to forgive. As proof, he told the man to stand, pick up his bed and go home. The man did as instructed.
This also was an example of how forgiveness, though it may not immediately heal our palsy, etc., surely can heal our hearts and souls.
Modern Christians tend to believe that if we confess to an offence or error, and claim it as a sin, we can be forgiven if we ask for it.
Jesus has power on earth to heal and forgive. Why don't we take advantage of this gift from God through Christ more often?
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